Friday, November 22, 2013

Future Cola

Sikong Shu is in a Beijing cafe with his friend Lu Ban, carpenter immortal.

Why so glum, Shu? says Lu Ban.

Do you remember that girl, Rosamunda? says Sikong Shu.

No, says Lu Ban. Can't say that I do.

She's missing, says Sikong Shu. And I'm going to be blamed.

She'll turn up, says Lu Ban. Don't look so worried. What're you having?

Future Cola, says Sikong Shu.

Lu Ban goes up to order two Future Colas, and comes back with a newspaper.

He spreads it out on the table.

Sikong Shu views it upside down.

Even so, he instantly recognises Rosamunda.

That's her, says Sikong Shu. In that picture!

Acrobat is she? says Lu Ban.

Natural historian, says Sikong Shu. But that's her anyway. Jumping off a bridge in her pyjamas.

Reminds me of my late wife, says Lu Ban. Always jumping off something.

What does it say? says Sikong Shu.

Photo by Ming Rong, reads Lu Ban. Bought by Zhang Rui for sixty thousand. Zhang Rui, he's that billionaire. He must be on to something.

Lu Ban admires entrepreneurship.

Ming Rong! says Sikong Shu, putting two and two together.

Now he knows where to look for Rosamunda.

He downs his Future Cola and cheers up.


Gaius, Margaret and Arthur have landed in Adelaide.

Arthur is about to head off.

Wait, says Gaius. Where are you going?

Velosophy, says Arthur. To give Sweezus this stuff from Richie Porte.

I'll come with you, says Gaius. I need to see Sweezus for an update on the Sepia Apama....

Don't mind me, says Margaret. I'll just go home.

It would be nice to report that Gaius now thanks Margaret for coming to China, knowing how to speak Mandarin, and being the only one to bring a proper scraper.

He doesn't, and Margaret is not overly surprised.

She goes home to unpack and put her feet up.


Guys! says Sweezus, when Arthur and Gaius enter the Velosophy office. You're back early. How was China?

Before they can answer, Belle et Bonne enters the office.

Gaius! Arthur! says Belle. How lovely to see you! But..... where's Rosamunda?

Great Jupiter! Rosamunda! cries Gaius, overcome with belated contrition.

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