Friday, November 15, 2013

The Moon Bridge

Rosamunda's phone rings.

She doesn't answer.

It'll be Margaret, checking up on me, she says to Ming Rong.

Funny name, Margaret, says Ming Rong. I like your name better. What does it mean?

Rose of the World, says Rosamunda.

Such a beautiful flower, says Ming Rong.

And yours? says Rosamunda.

Shining and harmonious, says Ming Rong.

Like the moon, says Rosamunda.

Later on I will show you a Moon Bridge, says Ming Rong.

What's a moon bridge? asks Rosamunda.

The most beautiful bridge of all, says Ming Rong.


Gaius, Arthur and Margaret are at Beijing airport with Dr Zhu Min.

Sikong Shu comes up behind them, breathless.

Arthur! says Sikong Shu. I came to say goodbye. And this is from Richie.

It's three pages of handwritten notes.

Richie says could you fix up the punctuation, says Sikong Shu.

Sure, says Arthur. He folds up the three pages of notes and jams them into his pocket.

Well, goodbye then, Arthur, says Sikong Shu:

Storms are ravishing the nuthorns
Moon dew sweetens the cinnamon leaves
I know well nothing can come of this union
Yet how it eases my heart.

Did you write that? says Arthur.

No, says Sikong Shu. Sometimes the words of others come more easily.

You ARE a prick, says Arthur. But it was good when we fought with bamboo sticks.

It was, says Sikong Shu. And it all went wrong when you rescued Richie.

I know what you mean, agrees Arthur.

Who's this Richie? says Margaret.

Richie Porte, says Sikong Shu.

THE Richie Porte? Of Team Sky? says Margaret. Did you hear that Gaius? Arthur rescued Richie Porte, of Team Sky.

Well done, Arthur, says Gaius. Ever reliable.

That reminds me, Arthur, says Sikong Shu. Lu Ban asked me to tell you he's available for the Tour Down Under. He's working on a secret design for a bike.

Dr Zhu Min pricks up his ears. Lu Ban? Working on a new design for a bike?

Who is Lu Ban? says Gaius. Great Jupiter, Arthur! What else have you been up to while I was examining fossils and eating black chicken stew?

Lu Ban is the immortal carpenter, says Dr Zhu Min. Inventor of the dragon design in Chinese temples. Why even this airport is based on his dragon design.........

And Lu Ban rides a bicycle? says Gaius. Arthur, follow it up. We need a new rider.

All right, says Arthur, as if he will follow it up.

Sikong Shu takes a last look at the travellers.

Arthur, Margaret, Gaius......

Good gracious! Three of the party are missing!

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