Monday, January 27, 2014

Giant Floral Handbag

No one wants to take Olive Python back to the Pilbara.

I have to go home to Germany, says Andre Greipel.

I must return to China, says Lu Ban. To take up tennis.

I'm going home to Edinburgh, says Rosamunda. I need to earn some money.

School starts tomorrow, says Janice. Not that I want to go. It's heaps scary. I'll be in Year Nine.

Everyone looks at Arthur.

Not me, says Arthur. I'm going down the coast with Sweezus in the pop up food van.

Then, says Olive Python, I shall make my own way.

She heads off in a northerly direction.

Shouldn't she be going west? says Rosamunda.

Search me, says Andre Greipel. I don't know this country.

North west, says Lu Ban, but it hardly matters.

Arthur has turned away. Yes, it hardly matters. You can die anywhere.

Olive Python has slowed down already. She can't believe that no one really cares.

She sees Gaius in the distance, talking to David and Vello, and an older lady.

Gaius will help her! She slithers across the road towards him, without looking to see if any cars are coming.

Luckily, no cars are coming. The road is still blocked off to normal traffic.

Olive Python! says Gaius. Have you come to say goodbye?

Not at all, says Olive Python. I've come to ask you to take me to the Pilbara. You are my final hope. Lu Ban won't take me.

Tch! says Gaius. I thought he wouldn't.

What's this? says David. Wasn't it you who organised the Pilbara expedition? I should say this little snake is your responsibility.

Should you indeed! says Gaius. It was Lu Ban, not I, who pilfered her.

What a beautiful python! says the older lady, who is none other than David's mother, Katherine Hume.

Olive preens a little, and curls herself around the stout ankles of Katherine.

Oh, Snicky-Snicky, is it fond of me already? coos Katherine, chucking Olive under where her chin would be, if she should have one.

Snicky-Snicky, mother? says David. Must you be ridiculous?

My name is Olive, says Olive Python.

Oh, it speaks. And its dear little name is Olive, says Katherine. Doesn't it have anywhere to go?

The Pilbara, says Olive Python, but no one will take me.

Dear Olive, says Katherine, I can't take you to the Pilbara, but you must come with me to Blaxland. I'm flying there on Thursday to pay a visit to my grandchildren, Butterfly and Fish. They will adore you.

There's a fine offer, Olive, says Gaius. I suggest you take it up. There will be fruit bats.

Olive Python does not need further encouragement. She climbs up into Katherine's giant floral handbag, and falls asleep.

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