Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Fish Make Fish Noise

So, Gaius, why record fish noise? asks Belle.

For comparative purposes, says Gaius. A study has shown that fish noise is silenced by nutrient pollution.

How will you record it? asks Belle.

That's the difficulty, says Gaius. A hydrophone is expensive.

Technology always is, says Belle. Have you thought of trying a simpler method?

No, I haven't, says Gaius. What sort of simpler method?

Such as, says Belle, a recording device in a waterproof coating.

That is what a hydrophone is, says Gaius.

A sound of scraping comes from the sink.

What's that noise? asks Belle.

That will be Ageless, says Gaius. He's here to see Kobo. She's bought tickets.

Ageless lobster drops to the floor.

Leaving? asks Gaius.

Leaving, says Ageless. I've ruined the tickets.

You'd know about fish noise, says Belle.

I know ALL about fish noise, says Ageless. Ask me a question.

Why is it silenced by nutrient pollution? asks Belle.

Ask me another, says Ageless. Ask me who makes it?

We know who makes it, says Belle. Fish make it.

Shows how much YOU know, says Ageless. When I'm in the ocean, which is seldom, the sound is deafening, and it's not just the fish, it's the shrimps and sea urchins, rasping and snapping.

And how do you detect it? asks Gaius

With the sensory hairs on my legs, says Ageless.

Of course! says Gaius. And how is your memory?

Excellent. Just ask Kobo, says Ageless.

Should we? You ruined her tickets, says Belle.

True, says Ageless. I had forgotten. Don't ask her. Ask Baby Pierre.

But Baby Pierre has slipped through the back door with Terence and Daniel O'Connell.

Flooo! Birds fly up from the apricot blossom, scattering petals and raindrops.

'Tis not as far as I thought to the Canaries, says Daniel O'Connell.

Shoosh! says Baby Pierre. These are not the canaries.

Those are parrots, says Terence.

Daniel O'Connell tries to recall what they looked like, because they have gone.

Red, green and flighty.

Excuse me, says Daniel O'Connell.

That's all right, says Terence. You're new at being a parrot.

Ha ha, laughs Baby Pierre. He's so new he looks like a spider.

Sometimes you don't know why people are laughing.

Sometimes you do.

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