Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Stage Four: Reims to Nancy - Something Italian

This stage is flat.

A good one for the sprinters.

The favourites are Sagan, Ewan and Viviani.

There are no sprinters in Team Philosophe.

A leisurely ride today, says Vello. Through Champagne country.

Leisurely? says Gaius. That seems unwise.

It does, says Nietzsche. That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

Except in the case of eels, says Vello.

Ha ha, laughs David. He's right.

Much as I admire you, says Nietzsche, we shouldn't rest on our laurels.

Why don't you try and join the breakaway, says David.

Fine idea! says Nietzsche. I will.

He speeds up. Then he speeds up further,

He sees the breakaway up ahead.

Schär, Backaert and Offredo see him coming.

Who is this fool behind us? says Offredo.

Nietzsche, says Schär, looking round.

They easily draw away from Nietzsche, who is running on empty.

When is lunch? wonders Nietzsche. And what will it be?

At the feeding station, Belle waits with Terence, and four packed musettes.

Nietzsche gets the first one. Ach! Nearly dropped it!

Lucky you didn't, thinks Belle.

Inside the musette are two elegant cheeses, a truffle, three Roses de Reims biscuits and a chocolate. Also a small bottle.

Could it be champagne?

The team was not happy with the bananas and water of yesterday. So it could be.

He's WINNING! says Terence.

Not yet, says Belle.

But the fine food and champagne do not help Nietzsche.

With eleven k to go. Lilian Calmejane attacks.

He is soon drawn back by the peloton.

What he had for lunch is a mystery.

With one k to go, Elia Viviani makes the most of his lunch and his team mates to overtake Alex Kristoff right at the finish.

What did he have for lunch?

Probably something Italian.

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