Monday, July 8, 2019

Stage Three: Binche to Epernay - Dancing Wisely

It's stage three. Goodbye to Belgium.

Hello to France.

The teams speed past flat fields, green, brown and yellow, with a tail wind.

Sweezus, Arthur and Sprocket consider a breakaway.

But others have already broken.

We'll get our chance later, says Sweezus.

We should make our mark, says Sprocket.

Save your legs for the hilly last section, says Sweezus.

Sprocket speeds ahead anyway.

There's no telling Sprocket.

Sprocket catches up to Richie.

Sprocket doesn't know Richie.

But Richie knows him.

Hey Sprocket, says Richie. Good work yesterday.

Sprocket is glad that someone has noticed his work for Team Condor.

Advice for today. Save your legs for the hilly last section, says Richie.

No way, says Sprocket. Use it or lose it.

Wisely, says Richie. Use it wisely or lose it.

Sprocket speeds up, unwisely.

He soon draws level with Team Philosophe who are riding together.

He passes.

Sprocket's riding full gas, says David.

Full gas, says Nietzsche. I like that expression.

He speeds up to ride full gas too.

Soon he has caught up with Sprocket.

And those who were dancing were thought insane by those who could not hear the music, says Nietzsche.

Uh? says Sprocket.

Just a thought, says Nietzsche. You and I have something in common.

Sprocket hopes not.

Belle is waiting at the feeding station with bananas and water.

Sprocket grabs a musette.

Nietzsche grabs another.

Mouldy zooms past, slows, does a u-ey, cycles back slowly and stops.

Can I have a banana? asks Terence.

No, says Belle. You don't eat bananas.

It's for Mouldy says Terence.

I'm sure Mouldy doesn't eat bananas, says Belle.

I don't, says Mouldy. I need water.

See, says Terence.

No, fresh, says Mouldy. I got a taste for it at Lake Clifton.

Belle tips water over Mouldy.

OMG! says Mouldy. That's good.

He speeds off again.

Time passes.

Sprocket tires. He has not saved his legs.

Tim Wellens has.

But Wellens is caught by Alaphilippe at the the top of Côte de Mutigny, with 16 k to go.

They ride together, until alas! a flat tyre for Wellens.

Julian Alaphilippe goes solo, with good legs for the hilly last section.

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