Thursday, July 18, 2019

Stage Twelve: Toulouse to Bagnères-de-Bigorre - Ask the Mountain

A mountain stage.

Who will win it?

Let's ask the mountains.

Col de Peyresourde: I am wreathed in clouds. Your words have no meaning.

La Hourquette 'Ancizan: Ditto. No meaning at all.


Let's see what Belle thinks.

She is at the first feeding station with Grace Swan.

Terence is poking his little cement fingers inside the musettes.

Grace Swan: What do you think of  Sprocket's chances?

Belle: Sweezus says he's a natural.

Grace Swan: Did he say why?

Belle: He'll do anything Sweezus tells him.

Grace Swan: That's the trouble with my boy.

Belle: Terence! Stop taking the cakes out! Put them back in.

Terence: I was looking for something.

Belle: They're all crumbly.

Terence (shovelling the crumbles back in): Where's my Peruvian hat?

Belle: Not in a musette, silly.

Grace Swan: He's too suggestible.

Belle: Who, Sprocket? That's not a bad quality for a domestique.

Grace Swan: Nietszche's a domestique, isn't he?

Belle: A super domestique, yes. Vello's joke.

Grace Swan: He's asked me out to dinner.

Belle: Go for it. He hasn't had a date in five years.

Grace Swan: No kidding. Who was the last one?

Belle: Lauren Swales, mother of one of Sweezie's friends. His real name's Bob, but he calls himself Surfing-With-Whales.

Grace Swan: What's she like?

Belle: She practices Reiki. I think she was level three. That's the one where you don't even have to be near the person you're healing.

Grace Swan: Did they get on well?

Belle: At first. But best not to mention her name.

This is not helping either.

What's going on?

Here comes Rohan Dennis, looking mysterious.

Stopping. Why?

Here comes Team Philosophe for the crumbled cakes they don't yet know about.

Off they go, talking.

Here comes Team Condor.

What's Arthur wearing?

Terence's Peruvian hat.

A dare, probably.

Off they go, they have crumbled cakes as well.


So who did win?

Let's ask that mountain again.

La Houquette d'Ancizan: Since you asked, I paid attention. I believe it was Yates.

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