Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Chance And Cheese

Now what? asks Terence.

We wait for Arthur to come back with a map, says Jinjing.

Are we lost? asks Terence.

No, says Jinjing. Arthur took a photo of a forty spotted pardalote. Amanda wants us to mark the spot where he saw it.

Where? asks Terence.

On the map, says Jinjing.

But where did he see it? asks Terence

He didn't see it, says Jinjing.

But you SAID, says Terence.

It was behind him, says Jinjing. Arthur was taking a selfie. And the pardalote was in it.

Did he know? asks Terence.

Arthur or the forty spotted pardalote? asks Jinjing.

The bird, stupid, says Terence. I know Arthur didn't, because the bird was behind him.

No, I don't suppose the bird knew, says Jinjing. It flew off, soon after.

This seems like a complicated bird spotting method to Terence.

What if Arthur sees another one while he's walking? says Terence.

He'll have to remember where he saw it, says Jinjing.

What if it's the same one? asks Terence.

What did you say you were doing before you became independent? asks Jinjing.

Listening, says Terence.

Well, let's just do that, says Jinjing.


Gaius is also listening, some short distance away.

It's quiet without Terence.

He has retrieved all his papers, and is trying to put them in order.

It would help if the pages were numbered.

A future task for Arthur.

He wonders how Arthur is doing. Perhaps he should call.

But this is not the time or the place for a phone call.

His phone rings. Several birds who had been quiet in nearby trees fly away.

Drat! What type of birds were they?

He answers abruptly. Yes, who is it?

It's Katherine. Surely Gaius, you have me in your list of contacts. Couldn't you see who was calling?

I didn't look, says Gaius. Several birds have flown away, unidentified, startled by your phone call.

Very sorry, says Katherine. But if that's the case, why isn't your phone switched to silent?

Too late now, says Gaius. Birds have flown. What is it?

I'm at the Bruny Island Cheese Co, says Katherine, and they have such wonderful cheeses. I thought of you, with your cracked tooth. There are some lovely soft ones.

I'd forgotten about my tooth until you reminded me, says Gaius.

Nevertheless, says Katherine. I could drop by with one. There's one called o.d.o,  it's one day old, marinated in olive oil with fresh garlic, roast capsicum and herbs.

One day old, I wouldn't trust that, says Gaius. What else is there?

Oen, says Katherine, pinot washed in vine leaves. Soft and fudgey. Or the Saint, soft and oozy.

Gaius had not given a moment's thought to cheese since he sat down to bird watch. But now he feels peckish.

They both sound very pleasant, says Gaius.

So where are you? asks Katherine.

In a forest. I'll meet you at the Jetty Café, in half an hour, says Gaius.

See you there, says Katherine.

Gaius sighs. That's half the morning's bird watching ruined.

But look on the bright side.


And a chance to get his notes sorted properly by Arthur.

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