Friday, November 8, 2019

Forget Science

This time, they spot the dinghy.

It's heading towards North Bruny, with Terence inside.

He is lying down, looking upwards.

They alight, on opposite sides.

About time, says Terence. I've nearly arrived on my own.

No you haven't says P. krameri. You're way out.

I was steering by the stars, says Terence.

Were you really steering? asks Jinjing. How were you doing it?

By humming, says Terence. A star hum.

As if that would do anything, says P. krameri.

I'm here aren't I? says Terence.

Yes, says Jinjing. But drifting.

That's because you stopped me, says Terence.

Hum again then, says P. krameri. If you think it helps. Meanwhile Jinjing has a GPS function. Did you know that?

I know P and S, says Terence. GPS must be a diphthong.

Is it? asks P. krameri.

Of course not, says Jinjing. It's just that Terence learned his alphabet and I learned the diphthongs.

When was this? asks P. krameri.

The dinghy catches a wave. Woosh! Perhaps they are nearing North Bruny.

In Katherine's car, on the way here, says Jinjing. We also did mazes. And maths.

P. krameri doesn't like the way this is going. Too intellectual.

Hum, says P. krameri.

Terence hums his star hum.

It even has words, says Terence.

Those are not words, says P.krameri.

That wasn't them, says Terence.

Do the words, says Jinjing. It's sure to be helpful.

O right, says P. krameri, Do the words by all means. Forget GPS. Forget science.

Terence lies flat in the dinghy, looking up at the stars.

Hello it's me, stars,
Show me the way.
I deserve it.
That's it so far.

Is that it? asks Jinjing.

So far, says Terence.

Woooosh! Another wave catches the dinghy.

Crunch-shurrrr, the dinghy runs aground on the sand not too far from the ferry landing. 

Thank you, stars.

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