Saturday, October 17, 2020

Doing Currently Nothing

Mu, says Terence.

Is it English? asks Gaius.

Yes, says Terence.

No, says Louisa. It's a Japanese term.

It could have been a cow sound, says Claudine.

That was my next guess, says Gaius.

Cows don't speak English, says Alfonse.

It means nothingness, says Louisa. Like Wu in Chinese.

I know Wu, says Gaius.

Ha ha! laughs Terence.

What's so funny? says Gaius.

You said I know nothingness, says Terence.

Did I? O yes. Ha ha, laughs Gaius. You are quite the logician.

All are wrong, says Terence.

I think I'm beginning to get this, says Gaius.

Perrot hands him a peanut butter sandwich. 

Wash your hands, says Terence.

I should have, says Gaius. Too late now.

That's what I said, says Alfonse. 

We should be off, says Perrot. Want a lift anywhere? There's plenty of room for your bikes in the Hi-Lux.

We ought to find Arthur, says Louisa.

Yes we should, said Gaius. Let me just call him.

He moves away from the others.

Hello, Arthur?

Yes? says Arthur. 

We're all at the lighthouse, says Gaius.

You and the snake and the dunnart? asks Arthur.

No, myself, Louisa, Terence, and the Perrots, says Gaius. Also those Ears. Remember? But there may be a problem.

What problem? asks Arthur.

Gaius lowers his voice.

The Ears have been taken into the lighthouse on some pretext, says Gaius. 

And you want me to find out what it is, says Arthur.

If you wouldn't mind, says Gaius. What are you currently doing?

The true answer is Mu (or Wu).

But Arthur says: Nothing.

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