Monday, March 1, 2021

The Lovable Gesture

Sweezus is at the Mall's Balls, handing out flyers.

Hey, says Sweezus, to a passing person. Want to see a really great show?

Maybe, says the passing person, taking a flyer, and stopping. What is it?

Candide, says Sweezus. It's like, a satire.

Is it funny? asks the passing person.

Heaps, says Sweezus. And full of action and surprises.

Terence has been making faces at himself in one of the Balls.

But also listening.

I do the surprises, says Terence.

Is he in it? asks the passing person. 

Yep, says Sweezus. He's the Earthquake.

I'm getting an Earthquake tee shirt, says Terence. These socks are just the bottom of my costume.

He shows the passing person his socks.

Did you know they've got a hole in? asks the passing person.

They're supposed to, says Terence. That's how you put them on.

Underneath, says the passing person. You ought to wear shoes.

He never wears shoes, says Sweezus. 

Fair enough, says the passing person. But it's silly to ruin your costume too early.

Reckon you'll come? asks Sweezus.

Maybe, says the passing person. Who else is in it?

Me, says Sweezus. And Arthur Rimbaud. He played Costa last year. 

Costa's not in Candide, says the passing person. I know that much. He's on Gardening Australia.

That how we roll, says Sweezus. Expect the unexpected.

I'll probably come then, says the person. I love that show. 

The passing person takes a few extra flyers, and moves on.

Fuck, says Sweezus. 

What? asks Terence.

They think Costa's going to be in it.

Ha ha! laughs Terence. And he isn't. 

Yeah, says Sweezus. Too bad. I'd better warn Arthur.

He calls Arthur, who is not far away, looking at poetry books in Dymocks.

Hey bro, says Sweezus. I'm at the Mall's Balls, handing out flyers. Wanna meet me?

Okay, says Arthur, pocketing a book, and walking straight out of Dymocks.


He stops and turns in the door way, looking surprised.

Don't worry, says the sales assistant. It keeps doing that.

Arthur makes a lovable gesture that says Phew!

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