Saturday, January 20, 2024

Stage 5: Christies Beach to Willunga Hill - Red Bits

A hot day, and they have to climb Willy Hill twice!

At least it is nice at the coast.

Blue skies, waving crowds, the ocean.

The peloton relaxes.

Isaac del Toro knows that today he will probably lose the ochre jersey.

Luke Burns hopes to secure KOM.

The temperature rises.

And with it the rumours.

He sped up after he drank it, says Arthur.

Yeah? says Sweezus.

And there were red bits floating in it, says Arthur.

You've got good eyes, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Oscar Onley is passing.

He catches up with his team mate, Patrick Bevin.

Heard about the red bits? asks Oscar Onley.

Don't worry, says Patrick Bevin. It was just the old guy from Team Philosophe.

Yeah, but what if some other guys get hold of it? asks Oscar Onley.

Finn reckons it was his own bathwater he was drinking, says Patrick.

Shizz! says Oscar Onley. Some guys are weird. So what were the red bits?

Bits of old dude, says Patrick Bevin.

They both laugh loudly, and speed off.

Team Philsophe are further behind, enjoying the coastline.

People are talkng, says David.

People do that, says Vello.

About you, says David. You were seen yesterday drinking the prize bathwater.

All to the good, says Vello. 

Not all publicity is good publicity, says Gaius. 

In this case it is, says Vello. We already have thirty three more subscribers.

Pity about the prize then, says David.

Keep quiet about that, says Vello. I still have the bottle.

Jhonatan Navráez is passing and hears this.

He speeds up to Elia Viviani.

That bath water, says Jhonatan Navráez.

What bath water? asks Elia Viviani. 

The prize bathwater, says Jhonatan Navráez. Yesterday that Vello guy drank it.

And who is he? asks Elia Viviani. Remind me.

The Team Philosophe leader, says Jhonatan Navráez.

And how did he do, yesterday? asks Elia Viviani.

Better than he should have, says Jhonatan Navráez. And he still has the bottle.

So what? thinks Elia Viviani. I have a hill to climb twice.

It is true.

Everyone has a hill to climb twice.

In the end a select group of climbers approaches the finish.

Oscar Onley is among them. 

He is still grinning to himself about old dude's red bits... he sprints forward to win. 

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