Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Like She's Floating

Kobo will make a fine nurse, says Katherine.

Thank you, Katherine, says Kobo.

How do you suggest we make her look less like a clam? asks Vello.

It's a bit late to make a new costume, says Belle.

Am I in the same scene as the nurse? asks Katherine.

No, you're in the seduction scene, says Vello.

Then Kobo can wear my black hooded costume, says Katherine.

I have never worn a black hooded costume, says Kobo.

It's quite long, though, says Katherine.

Kobo can stand on a box, says Terence.

Then the costume will look boxy at the bottom, says David.

And she won't be able to move, says Gaius.

May I suggest something? asks Hedley's mother.

Go ahead, says Vello.

I wear the black hooded costume and manipulate Kobo, says Hedley's mother.

Won't she look like she's floating? asks Iris.

That might be quite nice, says Kobo. Shall we practise?

Hedley's mother looks at Vello.

Vello nods.

Hedley's mother takes Katherine's black hooded costume, and goes into the small office kitchen

She comes out, dressed entirely in black.

She picks up Kobo.

Be careful what you are doing! says Kobo.

Sorry, says Hedley's mother. Is there a special way I should hold you?

Those are my lines, says Kobo. The nurse says it to Candide,who is trying to open the bed curtains.

My error, says Hedley's mother.

Hedley mutters something like 'durrr'.

What? whispers Terence.

I wish she wasn't going to be in it, says Hedley.

You're just jealous! says Terence.

Terence and Greedy, says Vello. You're missing your cue!

Yay! says Terence. Come on Greedy. Wait. Where's the curtain?

Belle holds up two light blue shawls she has joined at the top, leaving the lower halves open.

Terence holds Greedy up.

The curtain parts in the middle.

Hedley's mother wafts Kobo gently forward.

So far so good.

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