Saturday, February 17, 2024

Who Puts Diamonds?

Fortunately the queue in in the craft shop is for beads.

Friendship bracelets being the popular thing at the moment.

Arthur and Iris head for the jewels.

Iris spots a large jar of diamonds.

Let's ask if we can borrow them, says Iris.

We can do better than that, says Arthur. 

He picks up the jar and walks out of the store.

Hey! says a teenage girl at the back of the queue. What are you taking?

Diamonds, says Arthur.

We're just borrowing them, says Iris. 

Looks like you're stealing them, says the girl.

So it does, says Iris. How would you like a free ticket to the play that we're doing, in exchange for your silence?

Play? says the teenage girl. Is it in the Fringe or something?

Yes, says Iris. In the Piglet. 

Come on, says Arthur.

Hang on, says Iris. This girl needs a ticket.

We all do, say her friends. Five of them!

Ha! They were listening, in spite of those things in their ears.

Tell them to turn up tomorrow, says Arthur. And they'll get free tickets.

If we don't get them, we'll post this, says one of the friends.

She shows Arthur and Iris a video of what has just happened.

You can trust me, says Arthur.

Yes, you can trust him, says Iris.

They walk off with the diamonds.

Diamonds, says the teenage girl to her friends. Who puts diamonds on a friendship bracelet?

Weird, agree all her friends. 

Iris heads off for a coffee.

Arthur returns to the office.

Here he is, says Gaius. With a whole jar of diamonds. Always reliable.

Where's Iris? asks Belle.

She might be about to pull out, says Arthur. She's not happy with this year's production.

It was her choice of excerpt! says Vello. She knew it would be almost impossible to stage!

Never mind, papa, says Belle. Look on the bright side.

Which is? snaps Vello.

We've solved all the problems, says Belle. And now Sweezie can play the part of Candide.

You and me in a hammock, says Sweezus.

You have to do this thing with a garter, says Belle.

I reckon I can do that, says Sweezus.

Arthur puts the jar of diamonds down on a desk.

He decides not to reveal how he came by them, and the resulting complication.

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