Wednesday, February 28, 2024

What, Like Underpants?

Dad wants to meet you, says Nerida.

Of course he does, says Gaius. That can be arranged.

Great, says Nerida. When?

Tomorrow morning, says Gaius. Arthur will set up a meeting. But right now I must go home and pack.

That could be my job, says Nerida. Making sure you've got pencils and that.

Assuming you have the job, says Gaius, you will be responsible for a last minute check through my back pack. Or maybe not. It's just occurred to me that some of its contents are private.

What, like underpants? says Nerida.

Ahem, yes, things of that sort, says Gaius.

But they'll be clean at the start of the journey, says Nerida. It's coming home that you need to worry. 

I'm pleased to find you have a logical mind, says Gaius. Very well, I'll see you and your father tomorrow.

He heads for the exit to catch a bus home.

What's your dad like? asks Arthur. 

Pretty cool, says Nerida. I can usually get round him.

That's promising, says Arthur. 

Yeah, says Nerida. So where do we meet up tomorrow?

Cibo's in Norwood at eight, says Arthur.

See you tomorrow, says Nerida.


The next morning, at eight.

Nerida and her dad are sitting at a table, with a coffee and a frappĂ©. 

Looks like they're not coming, says Dad. Bad luck, kid.

They'll come, says Nerida. They're like, responsible people.

At ten past, Arthur arrives and sits down at their table.

Jeezus! says Dad. You're that guy from Team Condor!

I'm not the captain, says Arthur. 

Yeah yeah, not the captain That guy Sweezus is the captain. I didn't mean that when I ...

It's okay, says Arthur. Gaius'll be here in a minute.

Why didn't you tell me it was a guy from Team Condor? asks dad.

Because he's POET!, says Nerida. Wake up dad! This isn't about that.

No kid, sorry, says Dad. 

Gaius turns up.

Ah, there you all are, says Gaius. Shall we get on with the paperwork?

Not yet, says Dad. I need to know where you'll be going and what you'll be doing and who'll chaperone my fifteen year old daughter.

That is easy, says Gaius. Central Queensland, to look for endangered Kroombit Tinker Frogs. Your daughter will learn on the job.

Frogs, says Dad, I didn't think you liked frogs all that much.

I LOVE frogs, says Nerida. And there's all different kinds. Some of them are endangered because of loss of habitat, and a horrible fungus.

You surprise me! says Dad. This work experience could be just right for you. But what about the chaperone?

What kind of chaperone do you have in mind? asks Gaius. I'm not made of money.

An elderly lady, says Dad. Not too elderly. One that understands kids, and their ways.

Hum, says Gaius. And one that can pay for her flight. 

Katherine, says Arthur. Ask her. 

And who is Katherine? asks Dad.

Katherine Hume, the mother of David Hume who is a member of Team Philosophe, as I am myself on occasion, says Gaius.

Dad is convinced. He has done his due diligence on behalf of his daughter. 

Nerida produces the work experience form. Gaius signs. Dad signs. Nerida folds it up, stuffs it into her school bag....

and slurps up the rest of her frappé.

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