Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stage 14: Saint-Gaudens to Plateau de Beille

There are six tough climbs in the Stage today, but at least two members of Team Bumptious have already exhausted themselves on the route to Lourdes, the day before.

Violetta: Come on guys, it was just a joke!

Gustave: It was no joke Violetta. The gendarmes were on our tail.

Gaius: Yes, and that wasn't all. We had to catch you up to try and prevent you from sploshing the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Violetta: Ha ha! As if I would really do that! But it made you go faster, yes?

Gustave: It did! But now look at us.

Violetta: Pooh! What slugs you two are!

She pedalled away.

Gaius: So, she wouldn't have done it.

Gustave: Maybe she wouldn't. But she must have already done something, since the gendarmes are after us.

Gaius: Yes, that's true. I wonder why they haven't caught up to us yet?


Meanwhile Violetta had caught up to Sweezus and Farky, on the Col de Latrape.

Sweezus: Hi Violetta! Congratulations for yesterday! Where are the others?

Violetta: They've slowed down again. I'll have to come up with something else to get them moving. How are you two doing?

Farky: Wuh! Bike racing is hard for dogs.

Sweezus: It's hard for me too.

Violetta: It's meant to be hard. What's the matter with everyone?

Sweezus: Oh, I don't know. I'm not doing as well as I hoped. I wanted to win a stage, and I haven't even come close.

Violetta: It's not over yet. I didn't know you wanted to win a stage though. I thought you were just here to support The VeloDrone.

Sweezus: Oh that too. But I would like to make my mark in the world.

Violetta: I can help you there!

Sweezus: Really?

Farky: Don't listen to her!

Violetta: Why does nobody trust me?

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