Saturday, July 9, 2011

Stage 8: Aigurande to Super-Besse Sancy

Sweezus, Farky and Violetta are right up at the front of the main peloton, immediately behind the riders of Team BMC, hoping to hear something useful. What is Cadel Evans' race plan? Perhaps someone will let something slip.

Sweezus: So Cavendish's dog is dead?

Farky: I thought everyone knew.

Violetta: I didn't. Poor Mark Cavendish. Poor doggy.

Farky: It died last week. Cavendish was upset. He dedicated his Stage 5 win to his dead dog.

Sweezus: What kind of dog was it?

Farky: A poorly old Golden Retriever.

Violetta: Ahh!

Sweezus: Well that's that then. You'll have to concentrate on Molly.

Farky: Shut up! They might hear you!

Sweezus: Cripes! I'm such a dill.


Meanwhile, Gustave, Gaius, The VeloDrone and Le Bon David were lagging at the back of the race.

The VeloDrone: Young Farky is coming in useful.

Gaius: How's that?

The VeloDrone: He's made friends with Evans's dog.

Gustave: I don't hold with that kind of thing.

Le Bon David: What kind of thing?

Gustave: Secrets, false friendships, betrayals, that sort of thing.

Le Bon David: Harmless fun, Gustave, that's all. It's not as if we're expecting to win.

Gustave: And you call yourself a philosopher.

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