Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Secret of Immortality

The jetty lights had come on. Gaius and Baby Pierre sat companionably on the jetty fishing. Gaius had retrieved his bucket by pulling on the rope. It was the same bucket Lavender had seen the night before. But now it was empty.

The sea looks very black, said Baby Pierre.

It does at night, said Gaius. But there's a lot going on down there.

Do you think there are any Immortal Jellyfish swimming around? asked Baby Pierre.

No, said Gaius. And anyway, what do you expect to learn from them?

The secret of immortality, said Baby Pierre. What do you think?

Let me tell you something, said Gaius. The Immortal Jellyfish grows to maturity, reproduces, then reverts to a polyp. At what point in that cycle would you expect them to pass on their wisdom?

I never thought about that, said Baby Pierre. I suppose when they turn into a polyp they forget everything and have to start all over again.

That's exactly what I think, said Gaius. They will be just as stupid as other creatures. Possibly more so.

That's disappointing, said Baby Pierre. So my quest is for nothing.

Not for nothing, said Gaius. Tell me, what have you learned?

I've learned that Ageless is unreliable, and that Lavender is even more unreliable, said Baby Pierre gloomily.

But what is the positive side of that knowledge? asked Gaius.

Baby Pierre wondered what Gaius was getting at.

Just then, he heard the voice he least wanted to hear.

I know! said Lavender. Hello, you two, I'm back!

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