Friday, January 3, 2014

A Freakin' Samurai

Gaius and Big Janis are flying to Port Hedland.

Doubts beset Gaius. It has all been a bit of a rush.

He takes out his notebook. Nothing in it. Oh no. He's packed the wrong one.

What's up? says Big Janis. You look like you swallowed a blowfly.

I should have brought Arthur, says Gaius. He would have packed the right notebook.

This is patent nonsense. But Big Janis is not to know that. He is hurt.

Arthur has to practice his cycling, says Big Janis. I would have packed the right notebook, if I knew which one it was. What was in it?

My notes about laminates and stromatolites, says Gaius. And the name of my contact, Professor Someone.... or was it Associate Professor Someone......? Oh dear....

We landscape gardeners know all about laminates and stromatolites, says Big Janis. Don't worry.

This is not what Gaius wants to hear.


Arthur, Sweezus, Belle and Janice are in the Velosophy office, eating crackers and cheese.

There is a knock on the door.

Come in, says Belle et Bonne. The door's open.

Surprise! In comes Rosamunda, with Lu Ban, who is wheeling a bike.

And what a bike! Nothing like the original prototype. Lu Ban has excelled himself here. The head of the dragon has been cunningly incorporated into the frame of the bicycle, which is transparent, revealing dangerous weaponry fitted snugly inside .

What do you think? says Rosamunda. Isn't this the best bicycle ever?  Meet our new captain, Lu Ban.

So this is Lu Ban, says Belle et Bonne. Hello Lu Ban, we've heard so much about you. But really, you shouldn't be here. At least, not with that bicycle.

Lu Ban looks astonished.

They're our rivals, says Arthur. This is their office.

Lu Ban understands English, as anyone does, who is immortal.

His brow darkens. He will now have to kill certain people.

Which ones are the rivals? says Lu Ban.

Me, says Sweezus. I'm in Team Philosophe. And Belle here, her dad Vello's the captain.

I'm adopted, says Belle et Bonne quickly.

This means little to Lu Ban. She will have to go too. .

Sorry, says Rosamunda. Didn't realise. Arthur, where's our team headquarters?

Arthur supposes it must be Gaius's house. He doesn't have the key, but that won't be a problem.

Come with me, says Arthur.

And me, says Janice.

No, not you, says Arthur.

Then my life's in danger, says Janice.

Come little one, says Lu Ban. Lu Ban loves children. You can have a piggy ride on my bicycle. Just don't touch that button.

Sweezus looks at Belle significantly. A button that mustn't be touched!.

Lu Ban lifts Janice onto the dragon seat of the dragon bicycle. A red ribbon dangles behind. He wheels Janice to the door.

Janice! says Belle et Bonne.

What? says Janice, disappearing.

I'll call you, shouts Belle et Bonne, to the air.....

Woah, heavy, says Sweezus, taking a handful of crackers. What happens now? That guy's a freakin' SAMURAI and we've spied on his secret dragon bicycle. We're dead meat.

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