Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Stage Three: Norwood to Cambelltown - Tactics

It's early morning in Norwood, the start of Stage Three of the Tour Down Under.

Rosamunda, Janice, Olive Python and Lu Ban are sitting outside Cibo's, under a red umbrella, talking tactics.

The way I see it, says Rosamunda, you should partly disable the Dragon.

Lu Ban looks thoughtful.

I don't like it, says Olive Python.

Why not, my lucky talisman? asks Lu Ban.

It's cruel, says Olive Python.

That's rich, says Janice. Coming from you.

I speak as a member of the animal community, says Olive Python.

You eat live fruit bats, says Janice.

When I say disable the Dragon, says Rosamunda, I mean only to slow it down enough for Lu Ban to win.

I like it, says Lu Ban. You are an asset to Team Everlasting Dragons, Rosamunda.

LATTES FOR ROSAMUNDA! calls a voice from inside the cafe.

Rosamunda gets up from the table, and disappears into the cafe.

An animal can eat other animals, says Olive Python.

A Dragon isn't an animal, says Janice

Lu Ban is not listening. He is thinking of ways he can slightly disable the Dragon.

Gaius comes by, with a program.

Bad luck yesterday, you not winning, says Gaius. It was an excellent plan that you ruined. But I have come up with one that is foolproof.

No need to insult me, says Lu Ban. What is it?

Simple, says Gaius. We swap bicycles. That is, if you think you are good enough to win on a regular bicycle.

Lu Ban is furious. He stands up. His top knot catches in the spoke of red umbrella.

He tries to sit down again. His hair will not allow it.

How awkward.

Rosamunda comes out of the cafe carrying three lattes, a Crostatina Rossa and a Crostatina al Mango, and plonks them down on the table.

Gaius, says Rosamunda. Would you like something?

No, says Gaius stiffly. I'm about to ride in Stage Three. On the Dragon.

Lu Ban! That's genius! says Rosamunda. Perfect way to disable the Dragon. Do sit down now. Have a latte and choose a crostatina.

He can't, says Janice. His hair's all caught up in the umbrella.

Gaius permits himself an almost imperceptible smirk of derision.

He looks around for the Dragon. There it is, leaning against a temporary barrier.

He wheels it towards the start line.

It is restive. It keeps lurching forward and twisting.

Steady, says Gaius. Save that for the Corkscrew.

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