Monday, January 27, 2014

Stage Six: Adelaide Street Circuit - Aftermath

Stage Six, the Adelaide Street Circuit, is over. Andre Greipel has won the stage, Simon Gerrans has won the Tour Down Under.

That's that, says Cadel Evans, bidding farewell to Lu Ban, with whom he has made friends. We can't all be winners. And by the way, that's an excellent hairstyle.

Thank you, says Lu Ban. This way, no one will know me when I first return to China.

Lost face, you reckon? says Cadel Evans, sympathetically. Well, it's good that Li Na won the tennis.

Tennis? says Lu Ban. But she is a woman. I may take up tennis. I once drew up some blueprints for a Dragon racket.

Good on you, says Cadel. And you designed this Dragon bicycle, I hear. Pity about what happened. Where is Olive Python by the way?

I hardly like to tell you, says Lu Ban, since you were so kind as to provide her with those fruit bats.

No trouble at all, says Cadel Evans. But go on, tell me.

She's wedged inside the cross bar of the Dragon, says Lu Ban.

Cadel looks closer at the cross bar of the Dragon. Yes, there is Olive Python wedged inside. Her sides are heaving and she is growing paler by the minute.

Cadel is moved. She looks most uncomfortable. He smiles encouragingly at Olive Python, in her prison, and makes flying fruit bat motions with his elbows, before wheeling his bike away to rejoin his team.

Rosamunda comes up, with Janice.

Lu Ban, says Rosamunda. We must get Olive out of there. Janice has an idea.

Cut open the cross bar, says Janice. I can do it. I'll get Dad's snippers.

You will not do it, says Lu Ban, eyes flashing. The python stays in there. I blame her for everything. She has not been lucky.

Come away, Janice, says Rosamunda. He's in a bad mood.

But..... poor Olive, says Janice. She can't breathe in there. Let's get Gaius. He'll know what to do.

He won't, says Rosamunda. But I know who will. Where's Arthur?

She and Janice go off to look for Arthur.

Lu Ban feels sudden urge to go to the toilet. He props the Dragon against a bollard and strides off.

Andre Greipel is just passing, chuffed with himself and his recent Stage Six win.

Ah! says Andre Greipel. The Dragon is unattended. Hmmm. Scheise!! That snake is trapped inside!

Andre Greipel cannot stand by and watch Olive expiring. It is like when someone leaves a baby locked up in a car. One must act to free it, if one is a good German.

Andre Greipel brings his fist down on the cross bar. It breaks.

Olive Python tumbles out onto the footpath, just as Lu Ban comes back, followed by Rosamunda, Arthur, and Janice, with a pair of her dad's snippers,

That's the last Street Circuit I ever do! says Olive Python, crossly. I'm going. Someone must take me home.

Home! But that is in the Pilbara! Who will do it?

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