Sunday, February 24, 2019

All About Courage And Looseness

That was when YOU were playing Paquette, says Celia. I'm playing her now. So I say: There go our pistachios.

Oops, sorry, says Saint Roley. I've learned the wrong lines.

You say: And the oranges, says Paquette.

And the oranges, says Saint Roley.

That's a wrap, says Sweezus. End of scene one. Good work everybody.

Vello turns to Gaius.

How did it look from the front?

Very convincing, says Gaius. But we'll need to rig something up to lift Nobby. I won't be doing it.

I can do it, says Elodie. I'm not in the play. I could wear black clothing.

It takes two people to lift him safely, says Gaius.

I'll assist you, says Nobby. I'll step out of the pot.

Nobby, says Belle, I know you want to be helpful, but you can't step out of your pot.

Nobby braces himself for an attempt to do it. He believes that he can. The theatre is all about courage. And looseness.

He wriggles his roots. Loose as floating seaweed.... woo-wee.

He topples gracefully out of the pot, landing half way between the floor and the table, with one root caught in the third loop of string.

Needs practice, says Sweezus.

Get rid of the string, says Vello.

Bad idea, says David. The pot also has to be lifted.

We'll work on it, says Sweezus. Let's get on with scene two.

That's my scene, says Gaius. How's my left buttock? Is it on straight?

Yep, says Sweezus. Go for it.

Gaius runs on, with a spade and a large ball of string.

Shouldn't I be back in situ? asks Nobby.

Yeah... no, says Sweezus. You're adding ambience to the sink hole. And all the action's on this level.

Excuse me! says Celia. It isn't.

Huh? says Sweezus.

Oranges, says Celia. We throw them down.

Sweezus groans.

Another freaking problem.

We could do it from the table, says Saint Roley.

But we won't have the table, says David.

Sticks, says Gaius.

What? says Vello.

I need sticks to tie the string to, says Gaius. Where are the sticks?

Damn, says Belle. No sticks. But here are the oranges.

How do we throw them down? asks Celia.

I'll stand behind you in black clothing and do it, says Elodie. It'll look like you're doing it.

Celia is disappointed that this needs to happen.

How can I trip on the string if it's not attached to anything? asks Gaius.

Mime it, says Sweezus. We'll have sticks on the night.

Good thinking, says Gaius. Here I go then!  O clumsy me! Arrrgh!

He executes a competent forward roll.

Could you make it look more like tripping? asks Sweezus.

Perhaps I've done it too many times, says Gaius.

Sweezus looks at Vello. He hopes Vello is noting these things. What a head fuck his play is. But Vello is enjoying the chaos.

Knock, knock! Sikong Shu enters with cold rolls for everyone.


He hands them around, offering the last one to Arthur, whom he wisely pretends not to recognise as Arthur or Costa.

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