Friday, February 1, 2019

Introduce Native Bees

So I go to fetch the old lady, says Vello. What do I tell her?

Nothing, says Sweezus. You just come back with the old lady, and show her the sink hole.

And what does she say? asks Gaius.

Get the vacuum cleaner! shouts Terence. There's a stink bug down there!

She doesn't even see you, says Sweezus. She says something like, This is a job for that gardening guy on the telly. Why don't I contact him via the ABC website?

Inventive, says Vello. And does she?

Yeah. She goes back inside and sends Cunégonde to look at the sink hole.

That's me, says Belle. What do I look like?

Hot, says Sweezus.

That's more like it, says Belle. I always hated how papa said Cunégonde had grown ugly.

It's a device, says Vello. Another setback for Candide. And he marries her anyway.

How lovely, says Celia.

No it isn't, says Belle. It's wrong on a feminist level. But Sweezie fixed it. He's made me look hot.

You've been cooking pastry, says Sweezus.

You ARE joking? says Belle.

Yeah, joking, says Sweezus. Anyhow, Martin and Pangloss are saying Yeah leave it, what can we do, and you say We need to fix this. First of all we'll build some steps down. And Martin says How? And you say Get a ladder.

I can go up the ladder! cries Terence.

Hadn't thought of that, says Sweezus. But yeah.  So we won't need the vacuum cleaner.

Terence is about to start wailing.

YET! says Sweezus. Okay, so the old lady comes back looking perky. She's called Gardening Australia and spoken directly to Costa. And he's coming round. Or he isn't. When Arthur comes back we'll know for certain.

What's this? asks Vello.

I thought he could play Costa, says Sweezus. But he might not want to. Anyway, the old lady says that Costa told her to plant hydrangeas.

I say! says David. Hydrangeas! I'm impressed. Have you been doing some research?

And tree ferns and apples, says Sweezus. And maybe introduce native bees.

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