Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Endlessly Yearning

Am I in scene three? asks Gaius.

Good question, says Belle. You were already an old lady. Now it's fifteen years in the future.

How old was the old lady? asks David.

Vello is the one who should know.

How should I know? says Vello. It was a long time ago.

I wouldn't mind if I wasn't in it, says Gaius. And I assume Arthur won't be. We can use the scene three rehearsal times to research the peacock spider.

Peacock spider? says David. Is that your next project?

It may well be, says Gaius. Two new ones have been found in Western Australia. Fascinating creatures. Very colourful dancers.

Does Arthur know? asks Sweezus.

Not yet, says Gaius. Where is he?

He went down the stairs, in his curly black wig and whiskers, says Celia. Probably to see if anyone will mistake him for Costa.

No one will, says Vello. He doesn't have the right personality.

Let's see if he's right.

Arthur goes up and down the stairs several times before he sees anyone.

But now, here come two people.

Deep in conversation.

The man: I am endlessly yearning to be in Changan, where insects hum of autumn....

The woman: Hum of autumn?

Yes, it is Sikong Shu and the other Marilyn.

Her real name is not the other Marilyn. Let us now use her real name.

Sikong Shu: It's a poem. I know it will not be autumn in Changan for quite some time.

Elodie: Yes, fine. But how do insects hum of autumn?

Arthur wonders the same. Hmm.

But wisely says nothing.

He continues down the stairs to the bottom, and into the street.

Sikong Shu and Elodie climb the stairs to the Velosophy office.

They knock.  Belle opens the door.

Sikong Shu! Come in! says Belle. Looking for Arthur? He's just left.

We saw him, says Elodie.

Did we? asks Sikong Shu. I didn't.

(A victory for Arthur!)

Sikong Shu! says Gaius. How good to see you. Are you at a loose end by any chance?

I'm thinking of going camping, says Sikong Shu. With Arthur.

Know anything about spiders? asks Gaius. I know they're a far cry from fossils.

Are you into fossils? asks Elodie.

Shu and I were on Kangaroo Island together, says Gaius. We examined the latest fossil discoveries in the Emu Bay Shale.

That's cool, says Elodie.

Well, says Gaius, when this play is over, Arthur will be coming camping with me. I should welcome Shu's company, if he does have an interest in spiders.

I do. I should love to, says Sikong Shu.

(This is working out perfectly).

So should I, says Elodie. I'm SO into spiders.

(This isn't).

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