Sunday, January 12, 2020

Best Backwards

Vello returns to the office.

Sweezus is there, with Philip Norgaard.

They are eating protein balls and laughing.

Something funny? asks Vello.

Nothing, says Sweezus.

It's the interview with Sören Kierkegaard, explains Philip Norgaard. It's so typical.

He didn't give us much to go on, says Vello.

Exactly, says Philip. He loves to make difficulties.

Not any more, says Vello. I'm going to come up with some inventive additions.

Philip looks at Sweezus.

Sweezus shrugs. We should get going.

Yes, says Philip. Nice to meet you, Monsieur Voltaire.

Call me Vello, says Vello. And you are?

Philip Norgaard, says Philip. You may have heard of me.

No I haven't, says Vello. Have you won races in Denmark?

He's head of the TTF, says Sweezus.

Philip looks enigmatic.


Sweezus and Philip leave the office. Belle enters.

What's TTF? asks Vello.

Hush, says Belle. He may be undercover.

Hmm, says Vello. In a high profile bike race? Odd place to be undercover.

Have a Danish pastry, says Belle.


Sweezus and Philip are cycling to McLaren Vale on the Coast to Vines trail.

They see two riders ahead of them, going slower and slower.

Sweezus and Philip catch up.

Gaius and Sören are glad of a reason to stop.

Phew! says Gaius. I've been lazing about too much on Bruny Island. I'm not as fit as I should be. And Sören is finding it hard.

Yeah, says Sweezus. You older guys.....good for you though.

Hej, Sören, says Philip.

Hej, Philip, says Sören. You probably didn't expect to see me here.

Nej, says Philip. You should be at the top of Willunga Hill by now.

We all should be, says Sweezus. Let's get going.

The four of them start to pedal combatively.

Philip gets there first. Sweezus second. Gaius third. Soren last.

But Soren doesn't mind this, because life is best understood backwards.

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