Friday, January 17, 2020

Why Is Nothing Straightforward?

Terence has crumbled his cupcake.

He has red icing smears on his shorts.

He leans on the table and pokes at Lucky.

Lucky tips sideways.

Now you can't see his eye.

Blue paint's coming, says Terence. Then you'll really be Lucky.

Time ticks by.


Jinjing is the only one free to meet Terence.

Jinjing is glad of the task.

He stops first at Bunnings to pick up the blue paint.

Bunnings doesn't normally sell paint to parrots.

Jinjing can't find an assistant.

He flies round the Bunnings, until he locates the paint.

At the far end of the stacks of large and medium paint tins, he spots the tiny paint tins for touch ups and models.

He selects a blue one.

How to transport it to Henley?

It doesn't have a handle.

He'll have to carry the whole tin in his beak; flying will be awkward.

He flies out of the store without paying Bunnings.

It's the least they can do.


When he gets to Cibo's in Henley, Terence and Lucky have gone.

He goes to the counter.

Was there an infant here, waiting to be picked up?

Maybe. What did he look like?

Cement curls, a toe bandage, gecko shorts, a broken finger, and a duck with one eye made of duct tape.

Yes, he was here. But someone came to get him.

Squawk! What did they look like?

It was one of the cyclists.

(This could be good news or bad news).

Which one?


Terence has been kidnapped.

The cyclist (who shall not be named) was from Team Ineos.

He has taken Terence to the far end of the jetty.

Now! says the not-named Team Ineos rider. Where is that Lucky?

Here, says Terence. Bur he's not lucky.

I've heard different, says the not-named rider.

He's GOING to be lucky, says Terence. Right now he's unlucky.

How's that? asks the not-named rider, thinking bugger, why is nothing straightforward?

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