Saturday, September 26, 2009

Freud's Bicycle

Hello fellow cycling philosophers! Something a little different for you today. Le Bon David and myself, the VeloDrone, in conversation:

VeloDrone: You know David, it struck me the other day that it isn't only we philosophers that have interesting things to say on the subject of bicycles.

Le Bon David: Now that's a coincidence, my friend, for I was only thinking the same thing myself last night.

VeloDrone: Why so?

Le Bon David: Well, I was idly googling famous people and their bicycles, as one does, and I chanced upon a most intriguing tale of Dr Freud and his bicycle, which was, believe it or not, related by the well known Spanish artist, Salvador Dali.

VeloDrone: Not the one about the hot water bottle?

Le Bon David: The very one. You know of it?

VeloDrone: Indeed. It is my favourite tale of Dr Freud. And Dali. But do relate it for our readers.

Le Bon David: Certainly. It seems that in 1928 Freud was a refugee in London, living in Hampstead. While there he was visited by Salvador Dali. As Dali was crossing the old professor's yard, he saw a bicycle leaning against a wall, and on the saddle, attached by a string, was a red hot water bottle, which looked full of water, and on the back of it, a snail.

VeloDrone: Brilliant! It gives a whole new interpretation to analysis. And I had forgotten about the snail!

Le Bon David: I think Dali was more taken with the snail than the hot water bottle. You may recall his famous drawing of Dr Freud's head as a snail. And Dali himself identified most strongly with the snail.

VeloDrone: It would be enlightening to know whether Dali rode a bicycle.

Le Bon David: It would indeed, my friend. I shall endeavour to find out.

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