Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Mustard Seed Parable Explained

Just then there was a knock on the door. It was Jesus.

Hello, he said. I was just in the area, may I come in?

We had two Christian ladies come round on Saturday, I said. And we sent them away.

Good for you, said Jesus. Interfering women. I wouldn't have let them in either.

Well, what are you here for? I asked.

I hear you have a few questions about my Mustard Seed Parable, he replied.

Oh, come in then, I said, and have a cup of tea. My friend Pliny was pointing out that the mustard seed doesn't actually grow into a tree.

True, said Jesus, but that is just a fault of translation. The word I used meant shrub. But here is a more interesting fact that not many people know. The black mustard plant is a managed weed in Galilee. What do you think about that?

You were saying that the Kingdom of God is like a managed weed?

Maybe I was. The best thing about a parable is that it's open to many interpretations. I like to think I meant it was ubiquitous.

Like those ladies?

No, not quite like them. Well, yes, perhaps.

Hmm, it's not your best parable, is it?

No, not my best.

The Buddha has a better one.

What's it about?

A handful of mustard seeds.

Well at least, said Jesus, no one can accuse me of one upmanship.

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