Friday, August 8, 2014

Beach Culture: Taut Rope Trembling String

Sweezus turns. Belle and Marie, in Pineda de Mar! That's awesome.

And to the left, a man shouts something at Arthur. Tonto de culo! That's bad

The man steps forward. Arthur sprints off down the beach. Sweezus follows.

What's going on? Belle starts running. So does Marie.

The man shrugs and steps back to examine his beach shade. Hmm, the ropes look okay. Next the kite strings. Bueno! The kite is not flying away. The balloon of his child is still tied to the handle of his picnic basket. The striped beach holdall of his wife dangles intact from a rib of their orange umbrella. He sits down again to enjoy the warm afternoon sun.

José Ortega y Gasset and George Santayana have a short conversation.

José: Should we follow them, George?

George: Let's stroll in their general direction

José: How will that help? They're all running.

George: It's stroll or nothing, amigo.

José: Okay let's go.

They start strolling.

Belle and Marie catch up to Sweezus and Arthur.

What did you run away for? says Belle. And why was that man shouting?

Ask Arthur, says Sweezus.

Do you like our new haircuts? says Arthur.

You both look amazing, says Marie. But don't change the subject.

It's kind of funny, says Sweezus. Arthur's got this cool knife.

Which you gave him, says Belle.

Which I gave him, says Sweezus. And he keeps tell them, Arthur.

No, says Arthur. I haven't done anything.

Cutting people's ropes, says Belle severely. Why is that funny?

He makes it look like he has, says Sweezus. Whips out the knife. Schwoof! You'd swear he'd cut something. And he hasn't. But yeah, people get shitty.

Arthur whips out the knife. Schwoof! Schwoof! ....

....just as José Ortega y Gasset and George Santayana stroll by.

Ay! The young hooligan! He is threatening the girls!

They step forward gallantly.


You guys! says Belle If only you'd stayed back where you were. Then this wouldn't have happened.

We weren't to know, says George Santayana.

José Ortega y Gasset and George Santayana are nursing cut fingers.

It was an accident, says Belle. And Sweezie gave Arthur the knife.

She looks at Sweezus reproachfully.

Heavy, says Sweezus. Yeah I guess it was my fault.

No no, says José Ortega y Gasset. That is like saying .....

Everyone stops to think what that is like saying.

Philosophers can't help doing that.

Even Arthur who is a poet and not a philosopher doesn't think you should blame the party who gave you the weapon.

He blames the beach culture.

So much taut rope. So much trembling string.

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