Friday, August 8, 2014

How To Recognise Friends In Strange Places

Still at Pineda de Mar.

The two with the cool hipster haircuts walk down to the foreshore.

One or two people turn. Are they someone?

No, lots of guys here look like them.


Belle et Bonne, Marie, George Santayana and José Ortega y Gasset are checking out the Banana Boats for tomorrow.

Oh wow! says Belle et Bonne. Do we want the Banana? There's Flyfish and Donut as well!

No, let's go Banana, says Marie. That's what we came for. What's your opinion, José?

José Ortega y Gasset is thinking : My legs are too thin for this caper.

But he is a proud Spaniard. He will not say this. He refocuses, to consider the merits of Banana versus Flyfish and Donut.

A Banana takes ten riders. Whereas a Flyfish accommodates six, and a Donut just two.

I'm seriously considering two Donuts, says José Ortega y Gasset.

So am I, says George Santayana ( the legs issue). Two Donuts. But if we do that who will go on with whom?

Us two and you two, says Belle.

Is she teasing?

On the other hand, says José Ortega y Gasset, it might be more amusing to go on a Flyfish.

That's only two extra people, says Belle. It might be awkward. I still favour Banana. The more people the more fun we'll have. Look out there at those guys! Woah! They're all going under!

She laughs with sheer joy at the sight of them all going under.


Is it Sweezus and Arthur, or isn't it?

And where are they, relative to their friends?

Belle and Marie are standing at the edge of the water, laughing at the misfortune of others.

José Ortega y Gasset and George Santayana are a little further up the sand, discussing the feasibility of riding the banana boat in long trousers.

José: It's not vanity

George: Just the opposite.

José: No need to go that far.

George: Do you wish you were younger?

José:  Like those two over there?

George: What ridiculous haircuts the young have these days!

José: Yes and the shorts that they wear. Purple, with skulls on.

Aha ! Now we know that one of the hipsters could be Arthur.

Shall we look in his pocket? Does fiction allow?

Absolutely. Here we are at the top of the pocket, peering down into it. What are we looking at?

Erk! Several sticky old half-eaten churros, a bamboo stick ( where did that come from?) two dirty bandages, and..... a couteau nontron!

A hand reaches into the pocket and whips out the couteau nontron.

Schwp! A cutting sound happens.

The couteau nontron is replaced.

A voice is heard saying:

Fuck, Arthur. Man! Wha'd ya do that for?

Then a girlish tone:

Sweezie! It's you!

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