Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Luck Of The Parasite

Arthur drives smoothly. He is getting quite good.

Gaius is trying to phone Vello.

Saint Roley is on the back seat with Farky.

Farky is whimpering.

Quiet, Farky, says Gaius. I'm trying to make a phone call.

Urm-urm, whimpers Farky.

He wants his new teeth, says Saint Roley.

Where are they? asks Gaius

In my pocket, says Arthur.

Gaius reaches in, and pulls out a handful of mud whelks.

Here, says Gaius. I'll glue them in when we get to Currumbin.

Saint Roley takes the whelks one by one and places them on the seat next to Farky.

Farky scowls at the mud whelks.

One of the whelks sticks his head out.

What is our fate? asks the mud whelk.

Farky says nothing, but his teeth stumps are willing to have a discussion.

Your fate is determined, says the teeth stumps. You'll be glued to us, with Roman superglue. We will always remain your superiors.

That's not going to happen, says the mud whelk. Come out, my brothers!

The other five whelks stick their heads out.

At this very moment, Gaius gets through to Vello.

Vello! It's Gaius

Where are you? says Vello. Do you realise the Tour starts on Saturday?

Of course, says Gaius. I'll be back by Friday. Who else is in our team?

Me, David, and Ludwig says Vello. I'm not very happy about Ludwig. But he'll have to shape up.

Ludwig? says Gaius. Do I know him?

Crackle crackle, says Vello, dropping out.

Ludwig, says Gaius. I suppose I'll  find out soon enough.

Crunch crunch, comes a sound from the back seat.

When Gaius looks over his shoulder, the mud whelks have vanished.

This may be unfortunate, says Gaius. Or it may be less so. Which one of you ate them?

Not me, says Farky.

Me. I couldn't help myself, says Saint Roley.

Then I suggest you take a purge as soon as you get to Currumbin, says Gaius. The mud whelk is an intermediate host in the life cycle of a parasitic worm that lives in seabirds.

Phew! says Farky. At last something lucky has happened.

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