Friday, February 18, 2022

Unfroglike Behaviour

Now what? says Terence.

Back to the rain forest, says Gaius. 

Haven't we got enough frogs? asks Terence.

Perhaps too many, says Gaius. Where are those females?

Over there, says Quiet-Tartus. Doing star jumps.

Females! says Two-Tartus. Let's go!

No, says Quiet-Tartus. We need to stay here and practise.

Not on the beach, says Gaius. Your new friend has only just recovered.

Yes! says Terence. You should practise in the shade.

I'll just tell Ludwig where we're going, says Gaius.

He walks over to where Ludwig is being instructed.

Lesson 7: Start out straight.

Got it, says Ludwig. In other words, don't go sideways.

Not at first, says Chelsea. Let the wave take you.

Of course, says Ludwig. Is that the last lesson?

No, says Chelsea. Lesson 8: Learn the rules.

Rules? says Ludwig.

Yes, rules, says Chelsea. The most important one is about right of way.

May I butt in? asks Gaius. Ludwig, we're going back into the rainforest for the rest of the afternoon.

Fine, says Ludwig.

Lovely, says Chelsea. There's a great walking trail to Knappinghat Creek. Watch out for pythons

We'll be looking for frogs, says Gaius.

We just saw a whole bunch of them, says Chelsea. Doing star jumps. So cute. Like they're training for something.

They are, says Gaius. 

Goodbye then, says Ludwig. See you this evening.

He turns to Chelsea, who begins to explain right of way.

(The surfer closest to the high point of the wave has it).

Gaius goes across to the females, who are attracting an audience.

We're going back to the rainforest, says Gaius. Will you come with us?

No thanks! say the sisters. We're just getting started.

Gaius is not sure where his responsibilities lie with these females. Their behaviour is unfroglike.

He goes back to Terence, Quiet-Tartus, Two-Tartus and Roo-kai.

I'll stay and keep an eye on them, if you like, says Roo-kai.

Might be wise, says Gaius.

You're MY parrot, says Terence. 

Okay, says Roo-kai. I'll come with you.

They head for the rainforest.

The female Screaming Tree Frog Team remains on the beach doing star jumps in front of a gathering crowd.

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