Tuesday, February 1, 2022

How The Past Points To The Future

In the morning, the Screaming Tree Frog hops up to the camper.

Terence and Roo-kai are waiting outside.

Terence is drawing a map with Gaius's pencil.

Is that for me? asks the Screaming Tree Frog.

It could be, says Terence. Where are you going?

Starting from here, says the Screaming Tree Frog. 

Then where? asks Terence.

Wherever there's a Slender Bleating Tree Frog, says the Screaming Tree Frog. 

This is a map that Terence is making for Gaius, says Roo-kai. 

But not about that, says Terence. It's about where we were going last night.

I told him it's pointless says Roo-kai.

Why pointless? asks the Screaming Tree Frog.

Morning, says Gaus, sliding open the door of the camper.

Guess what? says Terence. Look who's here!

Me, says the Screaming Tree Frog.

Wondrous! says Gaius. How did you find us?

The flowery camper, with these guys waiting outside.

Sounds like you had an arrangement, says Gaius.

We DID, says Terence. I'm doing a map.

He doesn't seem to need one, says Gaius.

It's for the future, says Terence. This is us. This is the trail we went on last night, this is the tree where we met Froggy.

Don't call me Froggy, says the Tree Frog.

What's your name? asks Terence.

We don't have names, says the Screaming Tree Frog.

Would you like one? asks Gaius. Your Latin name is Litoria quiritatus.

That's Greek to me, says the Screaming Tree Frog.

Ha ha, laughs Gaius. Come inside. I recall that you wanted to ask me a question.

They all go inside.

Wittgenstein is still snoring.

Gaius puts the kettle on, and waits for the question.

Where can I meet a Slender Bleating Tree Frog? asks the Screaming Tree Frog.

Queensland, says Gaius.

I might need more paper, says Terence.

Let me see this map, says Gaius. So, you went out last night by yourself?

With me, says Roo-kai. And this is the map we were going to leave you.

But we hadn't been yet, says Terence. So I'm doing it now.

I thought it was a map for the future, says Gaius.

So did I, says the Screaming Tree Frog.

It is now, says Terence. 

He makes a big dot in the very top corner, with a line going to it.

That will be Queensland.

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