Monday, December 26, 2022

Skateboard Scratches

You can jump things on skateboards. 

But not baggage carousels.

Hands reach out to stop Terence.

That's dangerous, kid! says a man who has just missed his back pack.

Shit! says the man, darting sideways.

Arhur has picked up Terence's skateboard.

Is it broken? asks Terence.

A bit roughed up at the front. says Arthur,

Wah! wails Terence.

That's a good thing, says Arthur.

Terence picks up his skateboard. Runs a finger over the front. A scrape is a good thing.

Did you see me not lose my balance? asks Terence.

But Arthur has seen a couple of flat packs with Belle's name on. 

Belle-et-Bonne d'Arouet.

He grabs the first one off the carousel, the other one continues to circle.

He steps back and rips open the flat pack.

It's his bike! And several black feathers.

Belle and Sweezus have arrived at the baggage carousel, having walked there more slowly, chatting.

How's work?

The usual head-fuck.

O no! Why?

Vello and Pierre-Louis, says Sweezus.

Not getting on?

Like they're old buddies, says Sweezus. Going out. Philosophising. Riding bikes.

So what's wrong with that?

I have to do everything, says Sweezus. Graphics. Text. Interviews. Accounts. Buy all the snacks

Poor Sweezie, says Belle. At least I'm back now.

Near the baggage carousel, Arthur is re-assembling his bike

I see you found yours, says Belle.

Yes, says Arthur. What are those feathers?

Crikey! says Belle. Roo-kai! Was he in the flat pack?

No, says Arthur. Was he meant to be?

No, says Belle. He was meant to be in a bird box.

A bird box trundles by.

But the bird box is empty. 

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