Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Died By Pencil

Who's Saint Roley? asks Nerida. I never heard of him.

Terence's parrot, says Arthur.

Oh, says Nerida. I didn't think they ate frogs.

Parrots don't, says Arthur. Saint Roley's an unusual case.

Why? asks Nerida.

Arthur is about to explain when Gaius taps Nerida on the shoulder.

Yes? says Nerida.

The stapler, says Gaius. Did we pack it?

I brought mine, says Nerida. Do you need it already?

Unfortunately yes, says Gaius. My notes are out of order.

Give them to me, says Nerida. Are they numbered?

No, says Gaius. Perhaps they should be. 

What happened? asks Arthur. 

Terence wanted the pencil box, says Gaius. I took my back pack out of the overhead locker, and my notes all fell out.

What about the pencil box? asks Nerida.

You wouldn't believe it, says Gaius. Terence is most upset. Did you know he had put Greedy in it?

Er, yes, says Nerida. Are the pencils all right?

It's not the pencils, says Gaius. Greedy has deflated.

Can we blow her up again, asks Nerida.

Katherine thinks not, says Gaius. She is riddled with holes.

From the pencils? asks Nerida.

Yes I suppose so, says Gaius. 

Terence has left his seat and followed Gaius.

Guess what? says Terence.

Greedy popped, says Nerida. We know.

By the stupid pencils, says Terence. I'm INSOLABLE!

Inconsolable, says Gaius.

Yes, says Terence. And so is Greedy.

He holds Greedy up.

She flops downwards, dangling empty pink fingers, with holes.

Come and sit with us, says Nerida. We're making up poems.

Can I do one for Greedy? asks Terence.

Ours are all about frogs, says Nerida.

Yay! says Terence. I'll do one for Greedy.

Stapler? says Gaius.

Nerida gives Gaius the stapler.

He goes back to his seat, to reorganise his notes.

Terence wedges himself between Arthur and Nerida.

He already has his first line.

Greedy has died.....

The second line is the problem.

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