Friday, March 15, 2024

Please Crackle Forward

Passengers for flight mumburr dingle gladbone do Gate Seven!

It's an airport announcement.

We should go to the boarding gate, says Katherine. That was probably us.

Katherine, Gaius, Arthur, Nerida and Terence head for Gate Seven.

I hope it's the same plane, says Terence.

It won't be, says Katherine.

So what will happen to Greedy? asks Terence.

She'll fly to wherever the plane that you left her on is going, says Nerida. 

Unless the cleaners have found her, says Katherine.

Then what? asks Terence. 

Bin, says Arthur.

She can talk, says Terence. She'll say Help me!

That would freak out the cleaner, says Nerida.

Ha ha, laughs Terence. Greedy will freak out the cleaner. 

Boarding crackle combom, passengers with mumbum please crackle forward, announces the desk attendant.

Is that us? asks Gaius.

Who knows? says Katherine. But people are moving. Let's join the queue.

They shuffle on board for their flight to Gladstone.

They look for their seats.

This is you, Terence, says Nerida. Next to me and Arthur.

Terence climbs into his seat.

He is face to face with a squeeze bag.

In it is a card showing what to do in an emergency.

And from behind the card, protrudes a pink finger.

Guess what? says Terence. 

What? asks Nerida.

This is a mystery! says Terence.

He points to the finger.

Looks like it, says Arthur. Unless people leave pink rubber gloves behind on planes all the time.

Nerida pulls at the finger.

A pink rubber glove looking like Greedy, with identical plasters but completely deflated, comes out.

How could this happen? asks Nerida.

Interference, says Arthur.

Like what? asks Nerida.

Magic, says Terence. I'm going to ask her what happened.

I'll blow her up again, says Nerida.

She takes off the bread tie and blows Greedy up again.

Ooh! says Greedy. Where am I? Where is....what ha...phloooo...

She doesn't last long, says Nerida.

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