Friday, March 8, 2024

Hopeful Round Eyes

Yuck! This red drink is disgusting, says Terence.

Let me try it, says Gaius.

He tries it.

Beetroot and ginger. Quite refreshing and zingy.

Would you like me to add a little water? asks Katherine.

No, says Terence. I want my dead Greedy.

Perhaps you should have told the flight attendant not to take her, says Katherine. 

You asked for plasters, says Terence.

We can always take them off again, says Katherine.

Terence imagines this happening:

Greedy is fixed, with plasters, blown up, and sealed with a bread tie.

She says thanks, I thought I had died.

And Terence says, you HAD died. I wrote you a poem. 

And Greedy says, what is it?

And Terence says, it's not finished. There's going to be a surprise ending.

Then Greedy will look excited.

And Terence will have to decide what the surprise ending is. 

Will he rip off the plasters?

The flight attendant is now on her way back, having plastered the pencil holes in Greedy.

Here's your toy, Terence, says the flight attendant. All fixed up.

She's still dead, says Terence.

But now we can blow her up, says Katherine.

Yes, I didn't want to do it myself, says the flight attendant. Health and safety.

Terence takes Greedy, and looks at her face, with the plasters.

Greedy looks back at Terence, with hopeful round eyes.

I wrote you a poem, says Terence. If you stay dead you can hear it.

Not really, says Katherine. If she stays dead she can't hear it. Give her to me.

Not yet, says Terence. Greedy wants to stay dead a bit longer.

Poor Greedy. She doesn't!

But the trouble with being dead is you don't have a say.

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