Thursday, October 10, 2024

Don't Leave The Country

Gaius and Terence are waiting at International Arrivals.

Most of the passengers from Changi have already come out.

They're not coming! says Terence.

Patience! says Gaius. They're probably being held up by Border Force officials.

What will they do? asks Terence.

Deliver them to me, eventually, says Gaius. But perhaps I should make some enquiries.

He is just wondering where to go to make his enquiries when Terence shouts:

Yay! They're coming!

Baby Pierre zooms towards Terence and skids to a stop.

He is followed, seconds later, by the Kroombit tinker.

Get us out of here! says the tinker.

Is someone after you? asks Terence.

They might be, says Baby Pierre. We've escaped.

This won't do, says Gaius. There are certain procedures to be followed.

We're not going back, says Baby Pierre. 

No we're not, says the tinker. Although you did leave your story behind with the Border Force person.

My story! says Baby Pierre. 

What story? asks Terence.

I wrote a story about how I cycled across the Nullarbor says Baby Pierre. It was a good story.

Was it true? asks Terence. 

It would have been, says Baby Pierre.

Meaning yes? asks Terence.

If I'd actually done it, says Baby Pierre. 

Woop, says Terence.

I wanted to show it to Ouvert, says Baby Pierre. He's in it.

Does he say everything twice? asks Terence.

No, says Baby Pierre. It might not be him. That's part of the story. 

But that means... begins Terence

Enough! says Gaius. You two stay here with Terence while I make some enquiries.

But he doesn't need to.

Two Border Force officers are bearing down on them.

Gaius Plinius Secundus? asks one of the officers.

That is me, says Gaius. Or should I say I am he?

As long as you admit you're the person in question, says the Border Force officer.

I do, says Gaius. And I'm pleased to meet you. I assume there are papers to sign. 

The second Border Force officer whips out some papers.

Gaius takes them.

On the first page is a photo of the Kroombit tinker, a brief description, and a dotted line.

Sign here, says the Border Force officer.

Gaius signs. May we go now?

Unfortunately, no, says the second Border Force Officer. First we need an explanation for these coded writings.

He shows Gaius Baby Pierre's story.

That will be Baby Pierre's story, says Gaius. No doubt harmless. 

We are confiscating it, says the Border Force officer. Please sign this confiscation notice.

What a performance, says Gaius. All right.

He signs.

You're all free to go, says the Border Force Officer. But don't leave the country.

I presume that doesn't prohibit Tasmania? asks Gaius. Because that's where I'm going.

What? says the tinker.

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