Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I Once Knew A Carrot

Baby Pierre realises the tinker has asked a trick question.

He needs time to think of an answer.

Luckily it's time for an in-flight meal to be served.

My food's coming, says Rosa. My parents want me to put you under the seat again.

Go ahead, says Baby Pierre. 

You won't be able to write anything, says Rosa.

What a pity, says Baby Pierre.

Rosa closes the lid of the see-through container and shoves it under the seat in front of her. Then she pulls down her tray.

Her food arrives, packed in eco-friendly cardboard.

Fried carrot cake with prawn.

She wonders if the tinker would like to share it. Poor tinker. She only has those dead flies.

Rosa slides down under her tray and opens the lid of the see-through container.

That was quick, says the tinker. 

I haven't started, says Rosa. I was wondering if you'd like me to save you some fried carrot cake with prawn.

Um... says the tinker. Maybe a small piece of prawn.

Okay, says Rosa, replacing the lid and sliding back up to her seat.

What was that about? asks her mother.

I asked the tinker if she wants me to save her some prawn, says Rosa. 

That was kind of you, says her mother.

Rosa eats her fried carrot cake and prawn, leaving the prawn tail.

It is dark in the see-through container.

The tinker is eating a fly.

They taste better if you can't see them, says the tinker.

At least you have something to do, says Baby Pierre. This is boring.

You should be thinking of an answer to my question, says the tinker.

I've moved on, says Baby Pierre. 

So you admit that echy sounds exactly like echi, says the tinker.

It depends how you say it, says Baby Pierre.

It does NOT, says the tinker.

Shut up and eat your dead fly, says Baby Pierre.

Okay, says the tinker. 

How come you didn't want any fried carrot cake? asks Baby Pierre.

I don't like fried carrot, says the tinker.

I once knew a carrot, says Baby Pierre. It was floating down a river in France, all wrinkled.

Had it been fried? asks the tinker.

No, but I might put it in my story, says Baby Pierre.

That would be crazy, says the tinker. What would a carrot be doing in the Nullarbor?

It wouldn't have to BE in the Nullarbor, says Baby Pierre. Me and Ouvert could remember it.

I suppose so, says the tinker. It might be more intriguing than a talking echinoid.

See what you did there? asks Baby Pierre.

What did I do? asks the tinker.

You said echinoid, with an i, says Baby Pierre. And I could tell.

The tinker sighs, and swallows her fly.

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