Friday, October 11, 2024

Stopped From Moving

Since when are we going to Tasmania? asks the tinker.

I am. You're not, says Gaius. I've made some arrangements.

Guess what they are, says Terence.

What? asks the tinker.

Rookai will be flying you back to Kroombit Tops, says Gaius. 

Who's Rookai? asks the tinker.

My parrot, says Terence.

Don't parrots eat frogs? asks the tinker.

No, says Gaius. They prefer fruit, seeds, nuts and flowers.

But Rookai eats molluscs, says Terence.

Funny sort of parrot, says the tinker.

He's an oystercatcher, says Baby Pierre. His hero is Saint Roley.

The one who lost his brother? asks the tinker.

You know about that? asks Gaius.

It was in Baby Pierre's story, says the tinker.

Just a throwaway line, says Baby Pierre.

Nevertheless, it's a point of connection, says Gaius. You should get on well with Rookai.

They are now at the airport bus stop. 

We'll catch the bus back to my house, and wait for Roo kai, says Gaius.

Not me, says Baby Pierre. I have to go back and rescue my story.

Too dangerous, says Gaius. I'm sure they'll send it on to me when they realise it's nonsense.

Nonsense? says Baby Pierre.

From their perspective, says Gaius. Aha! Here's the bus now.  

He helps the tinker get on. 

Baby Pierre is about to zoom off again.

No you don't, says Terence. He puts his foot down.


My bicycle! says Baby Pierre.

Sorry, says Terence. I just meant to stop you from moving.

You have stopped me from moving, says Baby Pierre.

Perhaps it's for the best, says Gaius. 

He picks up Baby Pierre and the bicycle parts, including the o-wheels.

And gets on the bus.

Baby Pierre sits on the small seat at the front.

He is sulking.

His bicycle is broken thanks to Terence.

His story is gone.

The tinker hops up beside him.

Are you sulking? asks the tinker.

No, says Baby Pierre. I'm regretting.

That's fair, says the Kroombit tinker. 

They are silent while Baby Pierre does some regretting.

That he didn't grab his story before zooming off.

That he didn't get on the bus before Terence.

I remember your story, says the tinker. If you like I'll help you rewrite it before I head off with Rookai.

A kind offer. 

Baby Pierre already feels somewhat better.

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