Friday, October 4, 2024

Rambling Nature

Why did you say apparently? asks Rosa.

Because I wasn't there then, says Baby Pierre. Ouvert and I had our own problems.

Where were you? asks the tinker.

I was working as a stand-in doorman, says Baby Pierre. The real doorman was a friend of Ageless lobster, and he gave me the job. 

Was he also a lobster? asks the tinker.

Yes, says Baby Pierre.

So how do you know what happened to the carrot? asks Rosa.

How do you even know it wrote a note? asks the tinker.

I learned of it later, says Baby Pierre. From  an oyster-catcher by the name of Roo-kai.

How did the oystercatcher know? asks Rosa.

He was there, says Baby Pierre. Now shut up, I want to keep writing this story.

He continues to write (very small):

Who could deny the half carrot its last wishes? Ouvert and I found a box. It was decorated with birds and flowers, and smelled of soap. We placed the carrot in the box and dropped it into the river, where it floated out to sea.  An oystercatcher we knew offered to watch over it. He had his own reasons. His hero Saint Roley had once lost a brother at sea.

Did the oystercatcher see the carrot write the note? asks the tinker.

Must have, says Baby Pierre.

Where did you find the box? asks Rosa.

In the house where I was working as a stand-in doorman, says Baby Pierre.

So far, he has come up an answer for everything. 

But it's getting harder.

What happened to the brother? asks Rosa, who likes the rambling nature of Baby Pierre's story.

No one knows, says Baby Pierre. But it was so long ago, it's safe to say that he drowned.

Was he in a boat? asks Rosa.

He was on a disintegrating piece of cardboard, says Baby Pierre. 

Did he have a compass? asks the tinker.

There was a THIS WAY UP  finger on the cardboard, says Baby Pierre. You can imagine how reliable it was.

How dreadful, says Rosa. What made him even think a THIS WAY UP finger would be useful?

He was young, says Baby Pierre. And had been brought up by saints. He thought the pointing finger was telling him something.

Now I'm going to tell you something, says the tinker.

What? asks Baby Pierre.

Time to get back to the Nullarbor, says the tinker.  

Oh yes, says Rosa. You and your cousin were crossing the Nullarbor. I'd forgotten.

Baby Pierre realises he has strayed too far from the main narrative.

He should go back to the Nullarbor.

And avoid further diversions.

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