Saturday, October 12, 2024

Sharp Blades Underneath

The bus rumbles away from the airport and heads for the city.

The tinker leaves Baby Pierre on the front seat and returns to where Gaius is sitting.

About this Rookai, says the tinker.

Yes? says Gaius.

Did you say he'd FLY me back to Kroombit Tops? asks the tinker.

It will be perfectly safe, says Gaius. He'll make frequent stops.

Will I have some input? asks the tinker.

I shall provide you with a map before you set out, says Gaius, so that you and Rookai can plan your journey.

Sounds good, says the tinker. But one other thing...

Yes, what is it? asks Gaius. 

Will he carry me in his beak? asks the tinker. 

I doubt it, says Gaius. It's a long way, and furthermore it would render him speechless.

Good, says the tinker. Because in his beak I would look like his prey.

Terence has been looking out of the window at passing vehicles, but has been listening.

Your legs would be dangling, says Terence. 

I know, says the tinker. Like I was swimming.

No one swims with their head in a beak, says Terence. 

My head wouldn't be in his beak, says the tinker. 

Of course it wouldn't, says Gaius. We'll help you rig up something.

Can I do it? asks Terence.

You can help, says Gaius. But you will be busy getting ready for Tasmania.

Busy? says Terence. Doing what?

Learning a few facts about maugean skates, says Gaius. How to identify them and so on. 

I already know, says Terence. They have wheels underneath.

They do not, says Gaius. I shall lend you my notes when we're home. There are pictures.

The bus stops in the city.

They change buses.

This bus is full.

Baby Pierre has to sit with Terence.

What do skates look like? asks Terence.

Shoes, says Baby Pierre.

I know that, says Terence, but what's underneath them?

Wheels, says Baby Pierre. Or sometimes sharp blades.

How come you're so smart? says Terence.

I ask questions, says Baby Pierre.

So do I, says Terence.

So now you know, says Baby Pierre.

Yes! Maugean skates must have sharp blades underneath them. 

Now Terence knows.


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