Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Good In Parts

That's very good, says Gaius. I suppose you'll be off then?

Any time, says Rookai. Ready, tinker?

I promised to help Baby Pierre re-write his story, says the tinker.

So you did, says Rookai. I can wait. Take your time.

Where is Baby Pierre at this moment?

He is up on the window sill with his cousin Ouvert.

The tinker climbs out of the red netting sling and hops up there.

I'm leaving soon, says the tinker. If you want me to help you remember your story, it has to be now.

Okay, says Baby Pierre. Get me some paper.

It'll be quicker if I just tell you what I remember, says the tinker.

And more exciting, says Ouvert.

It wasn't exciting, says Baby Pierre. Mainly memories and conversations.

Let me tell it, says the tinker. Shall I use the first person?

Who's the first person? asks Ouvert.

Him, says the tinker. You'd be the second person.

Ouvert looks disappointed.

Use the first person, says Baby Pierre.

The tinker begins:

I was riding my bike across the Nullarbor when I met my cousin Ouvert, a rock expert looking for meteorites, and we were going the same way, so we rode on together and found a black one and I found an echinoid about which we debated the spelling. 

E.k.y, says Ouvert.

Or e.c.k.y, says Baby Pierre.

Who's telling this ? asks the tinker. And it was echi. Remember?

She continues: I described the desert as a fried carrot cake.

What? asks Ouvert.

That was what it looked like, says Baby Pierre.

But you weren't really there, says Ouvert.

He was inspired by Rosa's lunch, says the tinker.

Is she in it? asks Ouvert.

Shut up! No, says Baby Pierre. I'll forget the relevant details if you keep this up.

Sorry, says Ouvert.

Th tinker continues: And this recalled memories of the half carrot we took to Le Havre and floated out to sea in a box, decorated with flowers, birds and soap pictures. Which reminded us further of the fate of Saint Roley's brother. But my memories seemed more detailed than Ouvert's. I began to wonder if he really was my cousin so I asked him if he remembered Lavender and he said no, but later he pretended they'd once had a picnic together, in France.

I bet I wasn't pretending, says Ouvert.

It wasn't YOU! says Baby Pierre. 

Anyway, says the tinker, in the end you both agreed it didn't matter. And then you were there.

Where? asks Ouvert.

At the end of the Nullarbor, says the tinker. And you thanked Baby Pierre for his motivation.

That's right, says Baby Pierre. Ouvert was grateful.  I remember the whole story now!

Ask me how I like it, says Ouvert.

How do you like it? asks Baby Pierre.

Good in parts, says Ouvert.

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