Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Basket of Pies

It is a rest day. Although they know they should go out and practice, the Team Philosophe riders have opted for a country-style picnic with a basket of pies and champagne.

Le Bon David: Ahh. Pies! I've always loved pies. Beef pies, chicken pies....

Simone de Beauvoir: You will all regret this, you know. Your bodies will go into recovery mode, and not take kindly to riding the Tourmalet again tomorrow.

The VeloDrone: That is true. But right now I don't care a jot.

Jean Paul Sartre: Nor I.

Le Bon David: Nor I. Sit down Simone. Have a glass of wine. You too, Belle et Bonne.

Belle et Bonne: Ahh, this is nice. It reminds me of Ferney.

The VeloDrone: What good times we had there, didn't we dear!

Le Bon David: I have often wondered how you two came to meet.

The VeloDrone: May I tell them, Belle et Bonne, or perhaps you would prefer...?

Belle et Bonne: No, tell them, papa. You always tell it so nicely.

The VeloDrone: I was very ancient at the time. It was 1776, I recall. I heard from friends about a young girl from a poor but noble family who had been sent to a convent because her family could not afford a dowry. So I rescued her, and brought her to live at Ferney, my estate near Lake Geneva. It turned out to be the best thing I have done in all my life.

Belle et Bonne: Thank you papa.

Jean Paul Sartre: But this sounds a little improper.

Simone de Beauvoir: Since when did you think such things improper?

Le Bon David: Nevertheless.....I too think it sounds somewhat improper.

The VeloDrone: You people! She was just eighteen, and the best and sweetest of girls, the delight of my old age. I remember I married you off to the Marquis de Villette, didn't I, dear?

Belle et Bonne: So you did! And we all lived together at Ferney. And Madam Denis too. And her husband. It was so pleasant.

Le Bon David: Well, what an eye opener! So you are married, my dear?

Belle et Bonne: Errr, no. Not now......

The VeloDrone: That was all hundreds of years ago, you idiot!

Le Bon David; Ooh sorry. It must be the champers speaking.....may I have another pie?

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