Saturday, July 10, 2010

Station des Rousses

Belle et Bonne and Simone de Beauvoir are riding slowly up a Category Three hill towards Station des Rousses behind several members of the BBox team.

Simone de Beauvoir ( thoughtfully): That is a lovely shade of blue.

Belle et Bonne: What? The BBox blue?

Simone de Beauvoir: Yes. I have to wear something blue to a party.

Belle et Bonne: Oh what fun. How about the blue of Team Quick Step? That is very pretty. Or the aqua of Team Astana? That's my favourite colour of all.

Simone de Beauvoir: I am only dreaming. I do not have a blue dress. And I do not wish to spend money on a new one that I will wear only once.

Belle et Bonne; Well, have you any underwear that is blue? If someone at the party asks you why you are not wearing blue, you can say, Oh but I am wearing something blue. It is just that you cannot see it.

Simone de Beauvoir: What a clever idea! But this party will be attended by philosophers....

Belle et Bonne: Aha. I think I foresee the problem.

Simone de Beavoir: Yes, a philosopher would question whether something that is underneath one's outer clothing where no light penetrates can be considered to have any colour at all.

Belle et Bonne: It is debatable. It seems to me this is a question for Uncle David.

Simone de Beauvoir: It is indeed. But do you really wish to put it to him?

Belle et Bonne ( turning pink ) : Not unless I can put it to him without....

Simone de Beauvoir (laughing) : ..... the complication of underwear ! I'm sure it can be arranged!

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