Monday, July 5, 2010

Dull Story

And did they drown? asked Pliny the Elder, interestedly.

Did who drown? I asked.

The old woman and the old man, said Pliny.

Why should they drown? I asked.

You wrote: An old woman and an old man with a walking stick walked off the jetty arm in arm, said Pliny. I assumed they were ending it all.

No Pliny! They weren't walking off the end of the jetty. They'd been out on the jetty, and were returning. Very slowly. They got to the place where the jetty begins. They stopped and looked both ways. Then they walked off the jetty.

Humph! snorted Pliny. You made that very unclear yesterday. I was full of admiration for the old couple when I thought they had decided to end it all, while they still both had the wherewithal.

Pliny! That may have seemed admirable to you Romans, but it is not admirable these days. That would have been a shocking occurrence.

Yes, said Pliny, pityingly. I suppose it would. So what did the old couple do then?

They shuffled slowly across the path in front of the kiosk and stopped directly opposite the door. They conferred for a minute or two. Then they went inside.

Did they come out again?

No, not that I saw.

What a dull story, said Pliny.

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