Saturday, July 10, 2010

Missing Shades

Jean Paul Sartre started handing out the drinks and snacks.

The VeloDrone: Spinach Triangles! They're not high energy snacks!

Jean Paul Sartre: Simone swears by them. She says that anything green.....

Le Bon David: Here let me have one. Hmm, funny shade of green.

The VeloDrone: Perhaps it's your famous Missing Shade of Green.

Le Bon David: It was the Missing Shade of Blue.

The VeloDrone: Oh yes, so it was. But I suppose there could equally be a Missing Shade of Green.

Jean Paul Sartre: What's all this about?

Le Bon David ( modestly) : It's my well-known contradiction. I contended that there could be no idea without there first being an impression. Then I said that one could come up with an instance of an idea arising without there first being an impression, although it wasn't necessarily a serious problem......

Jean Paul Sartre: Come on man, get to the point.

Le Bon David: I'm eating, and riding a bike. Give me a break...

The VeloDrone: Let me explain it. He said that it would be possible for a person to imagine a shade of blue that fell between a lighter and a darker shade of blue, without ever having seen that particular shade of blue before in his life.

Jean Paul Sartre: I must tell Simone. She has to wear something blue to a party.

Le Bon David: What's that got to do with it?

Jean Paul Sartre: This new shade of blue you speak of.

The VeloDrone: But it's MISSING!

Jean Paul Sartre: That will not trouble Simone.

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