Friday, March 31, 2023

Big Brother At Work

Would you like me to show you the special window? asks the attendant.

No way! says Terence.

All right then, says the attendant, I'll take you back to Mr Secundus.

Who? asks Terence.

The gentleman who had you in his backpack, says the attendant.

Gaius, says Terence. He's always busy.

Would you like a colouring-in book? asks the attendant.

Yes! says Terence. 

Wait here, says the attendant. We keep them for children like you.

She goes off to look for a colouring-in book, and coloured pencils, that they keep on the train for children like him.

But now Terence has remembered the sketch book that Pierre-Louis bought him. And the charcoal pencils.

And his plan to make a long drawing of the view from the train.

He runs back to Pierre-Louis.

Can I have my sketch book and pencils?

Of course, says Pierre-Louis. They're in my back pack. I'll just get it down.

He opens the overhead locker and takes down his backpack.

He opens the backpack.

Oops! He's forgotten that Squattu is sleeping in there.

Squattu is rudely awakened. Squuee! 

She spreads her bat wings and flies straight at Pierre-Louis.

Duck! cries Gaius.

Pierre-Louis ducks.

So does Marx who had been about to return to his seat.

He has notes to prepare on Big Brother at Work, another talk he is giving.

So, everyone in danger has ducked.

But no, the attendant returns at this moment.

A bat! says the attendant.

To her credit, she does not panic.

Squattu has calmed down, and returned to Pierre-Louis's open backpack.

Another Easter decoration? asks the attendant.

Where? asks Terence.

It's a live specimen, says Pierre-Louis. Sleeping. I accidentally disturbed it.

But all's well now, says Gaius. And I see you've brought Terence a colouring book and some pencils. That is kind.

The assistant decides that it would be best to ignore the bat incident.

The other passengers don't seem to have noticed.

Which could be because they are sensing the imminent arrival of their lunches.

In particular, the goat curry with pickled okra.

I must go, says the assistant. Please keep your specimen under control.

Certainly, says Gaius.

Why did she call Squatty an Easter decoration? asks Terence, tipping out his pencils.

I told her the rock pigeon was one, says Pierre-Louis.

Why? asks Terence.

Because Easter is coming, and I thought it would sound more convincing, says Pierre-Louis.

Quick thinking on your part, says Gaius.

But now Terence knows that Easter is coming.

Do I get a present? asks Terence.

No, that's Christmas, says Gaius.

Bumhole! says Terence

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