Saturday, March 11, 2023

Seeds Of Desire

The friends of Hedley's mother all want a turn on the bike.

The first friend gets on.

Any thoughts? asks Pierre-Louis.

Plenty, says the friend of Hedley's mother.

Care to share them with us? asks Pierre-Louis.

Everything happens for a reason, says the friend.

Is that one of Schopenhauer's? whispers Hedley's mothe to Belle,

I wouldn't have thought so, whispers Belle. Schopenhauer was a philosophical pessimist.

I thought so, whispers Hedley's mother. She's faking.

I guess it doesn't matter, whispers Belle.

But it does.

And so, continues the friend, there must be a reason why we didn't get free seeds at the end of the last show.

Pierre-Louis is taken aback. How is this his problem?

Ooh! says Belle. We completely forgot them.

It's not too late, says Hedley's mother. At least some of the audience is still here.

Yes, we are, say the friends who are seated. And we'd still like them.

I wonder if Arthur finished making up the packets, says Belle.

There's a box of mixed seeds in this box, says Dart Blaster guy, indicating the box Arthur borrowed.

Great, says Belle. We'll give them out at the end of the show, if Pierre-Louis doesn't mind.

I don't mind, says Pierre-Louis. It proves that my bicycle was right.  

The first friend gets off the bicycle, pleased with her efforts.

The bicycle groans and sighs.

A second friend is about to take a turn, when Vello returns from the bar.

Hold everything! says Vello.

You can't just appear and say that! says Pierre-Louis.

Apologies, says Vello. Unfinished business.

We know, says Pierre-Louis. Everything's under control.

Yes papa, says Belle. We have the box of seeds and some of the audience.

We have the entire audience! says Vello. The rest of them are waiting at the entrance to the Piglet, and they are not pleased.

Ask them in, says Pierre-Louis. They can watch the rest of my show for nothing.

Good for you, says Vello. I suppose thanks are in order.

Not at all, says Pierre-Louis..

Vello returns to the entrance to let his ex-audience in.

We should get first dibs, says a friend of Hedley's mother.

You will, says Belle.

What about us? ask the two audience members who bought tickets to How The Principle of Least Action Made Me what I Am.

You'll get seeds too, says Pierre-Louis. 

Is the show over? asks the second friend of Hedley's mother, poised over the bicycle.

No, get on, says Pierre-Louis.

She gets on.

The bicycle makes an effort. Ugh-arr!

What was it Schop said about seeds of desire?

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