Friday, March 3, 2023

Last Animal To Enter The Ark

Vello walks on, to introduce scene four.

Behind him, the old man and the king are setting up the scientific machinery.

The court ladies prop up the painted blue mountains, with ladders.

The final scene, says Vello. Our heroes leave Eldorado in a scientific machine constructed by the king's engineers. 

From items donated by Bunnings! shouts an audience member.

Vello peers into the audience. Who said that?

Aha. It's Frank Cheung, the manager at Bunnings.

He only donated the items because the first order was deficient. 

But this is no time to quibble.

Vello bows and makes a gesture of acknowledgement, towards Frank.

That ought to shut Frank up.

Meanwhile something has gone wrong with the scientific machinery set-up.

The old man shuffles off, muttering.

The king whistles.

Vello silences the king. He will extemporise.

Did everyone enjoy the Spanish witticisms? asks Vello.

Yes! shouts someone, at the back. 

The voice is familiar.

It's the Dart Blaster guy. He stayed to watch the show. Good for him. Even if he hasn't bought a ticket.

Who wants more? asks Vello.

Yes! shout several friends of Hedley's mother.

What was the last animal to enter the ark? asks Vello.

That's not Spanish! shouts Frank Cheung. 

The answer is in Spanish, says Vello. To ask it in Spanish would be unneccessarily time consuming.

A ladder tumbles, behind him.

Want a hand? asks Frank Cheung.

If you're offering, says Vello. 

Frank Cheung gets up and steps onto the stage.

He helps the king right the ladder.

Good. The joke can proceed.

Does anyone know the answer? asks Vello. No? The answer is El del-fin!

Is that a dolphin? asks a friend of Hedley's mother.

Oh yes, probably, says another friend of Hedley's mother.

But why would a dolphin need to enter the ark in the first place? asks a third friend.

Or the last place, says a man who doesn't even know Hedley's mother.

Del fin, explains Vello. The end 

What happened to scene four? asks a person who is looking forward to seeing the children in their sheep costumes.

Vello glances behind him.

Frank Cheung and the king have fixed the machinery, and repositioned the ladders.

The mountains are in place, and not upside down.

It begins NOW, says Vello withdrawing.

The audience draws in its collective breath.

Such is the magic of theatre.

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